At Rally Point Supportive Living, freedom and structure co-exist. We provide a healthy environment that continues the accountability established during a treatment program, but at a less intrusive level. The gender specific housing creates a brotherhood of men, which helps our clients further develop the tools they need to achieve their long-term sobriety goals.

12-step meetings and other therapeutic activities are encouraged, as they teach newly sober individuals how to take care of themselves and monitor their recovery on a daily basis. Rally Point clients are able to attend outpatient treatment, school, work, and external meetings. We also provide feedback, regarding client status and well being, to referring programs and families.

To encourage a sober atmosphere, Rally Point has reasonable curfews that we believe builds confidence, self-worth, and the motivation necessary to participate in conventional living and mainstream society. Our ultimate goal is to provide our clients with useful skills that facilitate their transition back into the real world.